Thank you for registering on the site. Below is our General Data Protection Regulation Statement for registered Users
We will use your email address, first and last name to keep in touch with you regarding any updates to the portal and to request a summary your volunteers hours to the project once a month (a requirement of our funders, The Lottery Fund). These details will only be visible to project staff.
Your username will be assigned to any GIS records you make and will be visible to all users of the portal. We will not share your data or use it for any other purpose. It will be maintained on our secure server only for the duration of the project after which it will be deleted. You can change your mind at any time by contacting the Portal Manager and asking to be removed and de-registered from the website.
Any questions regarding the use of Living Levels GIS portal, including requests for commercial purposes, should be directed to the Portal Manager, Rebecca Bennett.